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Mon nouveau livre "Menus Sains et Pas Chers"

Vegan chocolate mousse with aquafaba

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Here is a fantastic recipe for a lovely vegan chocolate mousse with aquafaba ! I had heard that you could replace eggs with aquafaba (chickpea water), but I had never tried it … the result won’t disappoint you ! If you beat the aquafaba with some sugar, a bit like when you want to make meringue, you will get a firm and glossy texture, as you would with egg whites…but without the eggs 🙂

This mousse is to die for, it’s firm and melts in the mouth. It keeps for a few days if refrigerated as there are no eggs in it and no butter… Ok for those of you who still want a chocolate mousse containing butter and eggs, here is my chocolate mousse foolproof recipe.

Find all my vegan recipes here. You can also make chocolate chip cookies with chickpea water ! 

vegan chocolat mousse

Liste des ingrédients

  • 150 g (a bit more than ¾ cup) dairy-free baking chocolate (if you want your mousse to be vegan :)
  • 150 ml (⅔ cup)  aquafaba ( get a can or a jar of organic chickpeas /garbanzo beans)
  • 60 g (⅓ cup) sugar (less or none according to taste …)
  • optional : vanilla extract, or 1 tsp of instant coffee or some cinnamon.. or tonka bean etc

Etapes de la recette

  1. Drain the chickpeas and put them aside for another use. Collect 150ml (⅔ cup)  of chickpea water. Use a hand mixer to beat the aquafaba until foamy then gradually add the sugar until peaks form.
  2. Melt the chocolate (you can either use a Bain Marie or microwave). The chocolate must be liquid but not too hot ( make sure you let it cool down).
  3. Gently fold the chocolate into the aquafaba mixture. Make sure you get an even mixture (as the chocolate sometimes tends to fall to the bottom of the bowl).
  4. Add the vanilla extract and a pinch of fleur de sel if you can. Leave the mousse in the bowl or spoon it into some small ramekins if you like, then refrigerate for 4 hours minimum to allow the mousse to set and thicken.

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vegan chocolat mousse

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