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Mon nouveau livre "Menus Sains et Pas Chers"

French Vanilla creme brulee recipe

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A classic which you can easily make at home, with an unctuous texture, a rich vanilla flavor and a fine caramelized crispy crust… I’m sure that once you have tried it, you will absolutely adore it. 🙂 You can personalize this dessert by using cocoa powder, matcha tea or rose water.

Liste des ingrédients

  • 50cl liquid heavy cream (2 cups)
  • 100g sugar (½ cup)
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 6 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • ramekins and a kitchen blowtorch...

Etapes de la recette

  1. Slice the vanilla bean down the middle to extract the seeds.
  2. Cook the cream and the beans on a low heat and let infuse.
  3. Beat the egg yolks and the sugar mixed with the vanilla seeds until you get a foamy texture.
  4. Gradually add the lukewarm milk to the mixture while constantly stirring (filter the milk with a sieve to catch the vanilla beans and the milk skin)
  5. Preheat the oven at 160°C (325 F).
  6. Pour the mixture into some ramekins and use a Bain Marie to cook the creme brulee in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes until it’s set (it should still be wobbly in the center).
  7. Remove the creme brulee from the oven and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
  8. Sprinkle some sugar or brown sugar over your creme brulee and use a kitchen blowtorch to caramelize the top.

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